The efficient and productive operation in a Call Center is of vital importance for its continuity, it also directly affects the satisfaction of its customers. That is why the need arises to optimize your operational processes, since each hour of work causes an effect on your costs and revenues. Specifically, we focus on Call Centers, those in charge of making outgoing calls to customers, whether marketing, telesales, collections, etc. In general, repetitive tasks that can be automated so that the agent can focus on a more personalized attention and meet their objectives with the client. Next, we will see the types of automatic dialing that exist and benefits they have for the Call Center.

What is automatic dialing?

Autodialing is a feature that manages a contact list and dialing rules that automate calls to the database specified in the rules previously set in the configuration. Its main objective is to make agents more efficient and take care only of the management with the client, thus minimizing unproductive times and repetitive tasks.

Benefits of automatic dialing

There are many benefits of automatic dialing, but among the most prominent are:

  • Prevent human errors, when marking a client the risk of error is lower since it will not depend on the agent but on the configuration and database.
  • Reduce times, automation optimizes time and generates more efficiency.
  • Access to data in real time, once the call is in progress the agent will immediately have all the file and customer data, which will allow you to see previous interactions and make instant modifications.
  • Selective segmentation, thanks to this marking the campaign is focused on the target customers of the same, since previously the database that interests to contact will have been configured.

Types of automatic dialing

Preview mode dialing

In this dialing system, the agent decides when the call is to be made once it previously visualizes all the available customer data in real time.

Progressive dialing

This dialing system is capable of linking calls automatically and they are answered by the agent that is available at that time. This is achieved by setting the rate of calls per agent so that there are always calls in progress.

Predictive dialing

This system performs a calculation of the volume of calls required to achieve the highest productivity and that agents are in calls as long as possible. This is achieved since it learns from the historical ones and adjusts the calls per agent.

Using one system or another will depend on the needs of each company, taking as variables the number of agents and the objectives. Do not miss the next post where we will go into more detail.