Knowing how our customers feel and to what extent they would recommend us to others is essential for any company. Business continuity and growth depend on it, in most cases the contact center is the image of the company and consequently the generator of the ”Customer Experience”. This is where most of the overall NPS improvement weight falls. Below, we explain the importance of NPS in the Contact Center.

What is NPS?

The Net Promoter Score is an indicator tool whose main objective is to measure customer satisfaction and loyalty to a company. Through this system it is intended to discover the probability that a client will recommend this other person.

The questions asked in the NPS should be intuitive and simple, in short, meet 3 strategic objectives:

  • Easy to understand for any type of customer
  • Quick Questions
  • Make the process comfortable and friendly

Why is NPS important to the contact center?

The NPS system itself does not detail why customers are promoters or detractors, for this you have to mark metrics with specific attributes in a way that allows capturing customer behavior indicators to create improvement plans. For this there are different metrics, for example:

  • Transactional loyalty, this type of metrics are surveys designed to measure the perception that a customer has in an interaction with the company, here information is extracted about how the relationship with the customer has occurred and their degree of loyalty.
  • Transactional services, these types of metrics are focused on measuring the interaction skills of agents and detecting possible errors in customer service.

Therefore, although the NPS is an indicator that gives a global vision of the company, it can be seen that the contact center department is important to have a positive or negative impact for its improvement using these metrics strategically.

Fundamental aspects for the NPS in the contact center:

Having intuitive and easy-to-use channels for customers, it is essential to have agile and efficient communication channels for the resolution of problems and doubts in which to increase their satisfaction and experience. This will not only help the NPS system but also reduce operating costs and bring value to the company.

-Personalization of the customer experience through technology, having tools that allow to personalize to the maximum the interactions with the clients and in turn to solve the requests in a more agile and comfortable way for the agents.

Training of agents, without a doubt this is a strategic and fundamental point, the training of agents is absolutely necessary to be able to give a correct attention and experience to customers since they are the visible and first person with whom a client interacts. Ignorance of this and lack of proportion of information can lead to problems and affect customer satisfaction.

In short, the management carried out by the Contact Center is important for the NPS since it is a key and strategic point for the organization, it is the first impression for any client.

And you, do you already have your own NPS strategy?