Digitalization in business has affected all areas, but mainly the part related to customer service, perhaps the neuralgic point of any organization. We are talking about a neuralgic point especially in companies such as hotels, where all their attention is destined to ensure that the management and automation of the services they offer to their customers are as comfortable as possible for them. This is possible thanks to what is known as PMS or hotel management software. In this post we will tell you what PMS systems are for hotels, advantages and integrations.

What is a PMS system?

A PMS (Property Management System) is a hotel management software or system that helps the coordination of a hotel, in short, it allows you to plan, program and manage all its areas efficiently.

In the main focus of this system is the client, through this software the entry and exit of these, the allocation of rooms, billing and endless functionalities that are part of the daily operation of a hotel are managed.

Advantages of a PMS

Optimization of service management

The interconnection of all the hotel management systems makes the stay of the clients more efficient and satisfactory for them, starting with the management of reservations, state of the rooms, extra services (hospitality), customer data, flow of financial operations etc.

Control and minimization of incidents

Thanks to the PMS system, incidents can even be predicted and controlled before they pose a problem.

Decision making

Having the activity in real time allows you to make improvement decisions based on the updates that occur in the PMS.

Customer satisfaction

Thanks to the efficient management generated by this software, the service adjusts to the needs of customers without delays and problems, which means quality relationships and good customer experience in their stays.

Cloud Adoption

The trend to the cloud is more than obvious, so having PMS that allow access from any point without having to be in the hotel is a point to take into account. This ease and immediate availability guarantee absolute control.

Integrations with PMS

At Tecsens, thanks to our agreement with integrators such as Char that facilitate the connection between hotel equipment and systems with any type of PMS, we facilitate the management of hotel chains.

Thanks to Char, any architecture can simplify the centralization of systems designed as local solutions.

-Manages to improve the performance of already integrated systems and makes the most of their potential.

-Solves any connectivity problem, due to its architecture, location or access.

-Manages the maintenance and resolution of incidents through 24/7 monitoring of the connection between systems guaranteeing high availability.

Among the communications solutions we offer together with Char to integrate with PMS systems we have the following:

These solutions allow to keep track of the client’s telephone consumption, as well as other functionalities managed directly from a terminal (alarm clock, room service, etc.)

In short, the PMS system for hotels is essential for a good management and coordination of all its daily operations regardless of its volume.